Quality & Reliability
A+B HIDES offers a large variety of hides and skins that are marketed worldwide for the production of leather goods.
Quality and reliability represent the foundation
of our company.
You will gain a more in-depth perspective
in the following Image-Film:

The responsible and mild handling of hides ensures the high quality of our products.

A+B HIDES offers bull-, cow- and heifer hides in fresh, salted and wetblue & wetwhite condition, available in multiple weight categories.

Our plant locations throughout Germany enable a prompt collection and thus best possible processing of the hides.

Company history
Discover the history of our company: From a family-owned business to an international hide marketer.
Our average customer rating is 4.8 / 5 based on 2.549 reviews
What Our Customers Say
Quality & Reliability
The image film gives you an insight into the processing of hides, as well as the locations and history of A + B HIDES.
Member of OSI Group
After many years of trusting and successful cooperation A + B Hides GmbH is part of the OSI Group.

Cattle poster
Discover the diversity of German and Austrian cattle breeds. As a download or as a poster order to your home.
Bouvino – leather products
BOUVINO manufactures its products with respect for the origin of the leather – the skins of cattle.